Together with many local businesses our student have jobs in the community. We have many eager adults seeking opportunities and would love to partner with you!
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: three students go each day to Eagle's Nest Sports Bar & Grill with Sharon Jackson, our job coach. At the restaurant they wipe tables down, fill condiments, and place bar stools at tables. In return they are fed lunch.
On Monday's, we take 4-5 students to Enchilada Ole' where they wipe table, roll silverware, and fill condiments. Again, they order off the menu and eat lunch.
Heather works two days a week at Holiday Inn Express in Lake Worth. She has been there for 7 years, it is a paid job for her.
The City of Lake Worth has the students do mail outs for them as needed. In turn they always buy food for the kids! So far they have had a taco party and a pizza party!
In the past they have done shredding for the public. We still would like to offer shredding service, but until we get in the barn our space is just so limited.
Building a new addition to our facility. We have a waiting list at HOSV and we are about 85% complete on our "Angel Barn." We will be able to serve more adults with disabilities, offer additional opportunities and grow our HOSV family. Be sure and check out our future fundraising event to help us continue making dreams come true. Our next project will include a Recreation Hall, and many other amazing ideas!!
Bowling Tournament
09.15.2019, Cowtown Bowling
David Wolf Memorial
Golf Tournament
10.12.2019, Azle, Texas
Bull Frog West Fest
10.12.2019, Lake Worth Park
We would love to have you stop by and meet our team. Brenda, Margie, Danielle, Kathy, Sara, Simeon and Veronica are always busy creating new experiences for our skool family. You can often see new art projects, sing karaoke, play basketball against our expert Adam, and much more. Stop by and see what we are all about. We want to grow our village to support and encourage as many as possible to learn more about Heather's Old Skool Village.